Well, hello there!

I’m Sydney Yang, Provisional RGD (she/her) — a self-taught multidisciplinary designer and digital marketer fuelled entirely by black coffee and A24 films.

Over the past 7 years, I’ve worked with clients across the arts and culture, non-profit, mental health, publishing, and higher education sectors to elevate their brand image and connect with their audience through compelling design work and visual storytelling.

Whether I’m helping companies establish their unique visual identities or bringing integrated marketing campaigns to life across digital and print mediums, I’m always excited to collaborate with brands to find new and exciting ways to enhance their presence within their sector.

All good things come in threes, like my design philosophy which is built on…

Design Thinking

I approach graphic design through the lens of design thinking — I let the function of the content that I create dictate its design. I identify friction points in the user journey and prototype solutions that deliver seamless interactions between brands and their audiences.

Data-Driven Approach

I work with my clients and my design team to determine, in detail, who our audience is, what are their needs, what are their consumer habits, and how do we leverage visual design to effectively position your organization as the solution that best fits your users’ needs.

Accessibility & Inclusion

The focus of my work is to communicate with audiences effectively. Eliminating barriers to accessing and interacting with content and integrating respectful and accurate representation across our work fosters moments of connection that resonate and reflect the diversity of the human experience.

Here are a few of my favourite design resources from across the wild World Wide Web:

Practical information, insights and advice for creating more accessible design work.

A free open typeface designed against some common symptoms of dyslexia.

With its predictable lightness, OKLCH provides better a11y.

The RGD/GDC Code of Ethics prohibits its members from engaging in speculative (spec) work — unpaid work, universally condemned by designers and design organizations

Speaking of the World Wide Web…

When I’m not working on design projects, you can find me playing table-top roleplaying games (TTRPGs), working on my dice shop, or maximizing gains on the latest portable farming simulator. You can also find me across cool places on the internet, like working on graphics at Roll for Good — a nerdy collective raising money for charity and spreading joy by streaming TTRPGs, or working on layout design over at Daylight Publications — an indie TTRPG game publisher with a focus on diverse storytelling.

If you’d like to get into the nitty-gritty of what I do, check out my LinkedIn profile here. I’m also open to freelance opportunities and actively seeking a full-time position, so don’t be afraid to drop a line and say hi!